Could our eye watering £36 million Frenchman finally prove to Leeds United fans he’s worth the money.

20 year old Georgina Rutter looks to be playing a significant role in the Leeds United team this upcoming season, as other players plan their desertion of the relegated sinking ship, Rutter rocked up to pre-season training enthusiastic and looking in good shape.
Despite high expectations on his entrance to Leeds United back in January, you had to feel sorry for the lad when the rest of us knew we were facing an uphill battle to survive. He endured three managers in five months, pressure from the off to justify the expensive price tag on his head and a whole army of Leeds United fans urging him to be our saviour in some pretty dismal times ahead.
But let’s give the lad a chance. Farke clearly has plans for this 20 year old youngster, and also a kinship with him as Rutter has played in the Bundesliga. Scoring 8 goals in 2021/22 for Hoffeheim, we’ve had Leeds United players who have scored less than this over the course of the years, one certain player let this many goals in, and more, over the course of just two games, and they still didn’t get as much stick as this kid did.
But he has credentials, and the potential to be a key player in the bounce back for a promotion race. In 2021 he was nominated for Golden Boy Awards, and called up for U21 France Squad earning himself a tidy four caps. He can play centre forward or winger, and yes when we first observed him admittedly he did look a bit like an overgrown Bambi on ice, he couldn’t quite his flow going. He wasn’t used to the style and pace of Premiership football, he hadn’t quite gelled with the ever changing Leeds United team and tactics (actually did any of us?) and yes at times he did look perpetually confused. But he joined the squad in hard times, and I’m certain he never envisioned himself playing in the Championship just six months later. But he is strong and powerful, and Farke knows how to get the best out of him and utilise him to his strengths.
When many other players have run for the hills to sparkly Premiership and Champions League clubs and lined their pockets with relegation clauses and loan to buy deals, Georginio Rutter has decided to stay with us. So let’s get behind this fellow, reset the button and embrace him with a warm Yorkshire hug!